The Australian Home Childcare Association Inc. is the national peak body for the Commonwealth funded In home child care program in Australia. We are a volunteer representative organisation that provides advocacy and representation for our members. Previously known as the National In Home Childcare Association Inc the association was first established in 2004 and changed the name in 2014.
Our Purpose
As a peak body we are a representative organisation that aims to provide information and dissemination services, membership support, resources, advocacy and representation, research and policy development for our members, in home child care community and other interested parties.
Our Objectives
- To work towards financial independence
- To provide continuous improvement of quality within in home childcare provision, working towards a system of Quality Assessment and Rating
- To inform and support members by developing a holistic communication strategy to enable In Home Care service providers to be informed and have input
- To co-ordinate and identify issues specific to In Home Care Service Providers
- To act as a body of research, education, publicity and submissions relating to In Home Care in Australia
- To establish and seek out In Home Care networks and affiliations in Australia
- To liaise with and seek opportunities to meet with Government and non Government organisations
- To link with and establish auxiliary services
- To act at all times in a nondiscriminatory manner regardless of race, religion, sex or political affiliation of any person.